Functional fabric

"With innovative functional materials Hymax and JcGc"

JCGC's Hymax material does not allow water to pass through from the inside to the outside, but at the same time provides permeability and waterproofing properties that allow sweat and gas to pass through.

Hymax products are generally designed to provide comfort and protection in a variety of weather conditions, and these products are particularly useful during outdoor activities such as when it is raining or when the wind is strong.

Our company is one of the companies that manufacture products using advanced technologies, such as Hymax, and is committed to developing innovative materials and technologies.

Our company attaches great importance to its commitment to sustainable production and environmental protection, and is actively introducing environmentally friendly methods in its production process. Our sustainability efforts have a positive impact on our customers, partners and the environment.

JCGC provides value to customers and partners with innovative technology and high-quality products, and has the will to continue to grow and develop in the future.

thank you.


방수 및 통풍을 획기적으로 해결한
JcGc의 주력 개발 상품, Hymax 입니다.

Hymax 투습도 관련 수치

W.P : 15K (15000MM)

JIS.ASTM (Water Proof)

M.V.T : 15K (15,000g / m2 24hour)

 JIS (Moistture Vapour Transmission)

상호(법인)명 :  (주) JCGC INC.  |  대표자명 : 권용준  |  사업자번호 : 887-81-03247 
주소 : 경기도 하남시 미사강변한강로165, 현대클러스터 한강미사3차 AA0803
E-mail : shkwon@jcgckr.com